Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Who Are You?

I want to change the world.

Will I?

Probably not.

Everyone wants to change the world. Not everyone can though. I have potential, I know for a fact that I do. I don't care whether you agree or disagree. You don't know me, you never will know me. Not all of me anyways. No one will ever know everything about me, it's impossible to know everything about anyone. You could pour your whole heart out to someone, but they still will not understand exactly who you are.

You know what saying I hate? "I know you better than you know yourself."No actually, you don't. I know me better then anyone else does. You only know what I have let you know. Everything I am is locked inside my head, my thoughts. You have never been there, and most likely never will.

My friends, my family, they all know a LOT about me. Its just, not everything. It's impossible to know everything about someone. That is my point, so take it or leave it.

Who are you?
Do you know?"
The hardest thing to imagine is yourself."
So imagine yourself.
Take a good look in the mirror and ask, "Who am I?"
Think about it.
Do you actually know?
You have to look a little deeper.
Look beyond your appearence, beyond everything you want to be.
Look into your thoughts, your mind, your mistakes, your actions.
Do you know who you are?
Once you answer that question, answer this.
Do you like who you are?
Maybe you do.
Maybe you are perfectly content with your thoughts and actions,
and all of what you have done with your life.
Maybe you don't though.
Maybe, when you look deep inside yourself, you'll find that who you are right now
is not who you wanted or planned to be.
If this has happened, and you don't like who you are.. then answer this.
What are you going to do?

I want to change the world.

Will I?

Probably not.

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