Monday, September 7, 2009

Hiding yourself.

Throughout my life I have pretended to be something that I am not.

I used to pretend that I was overly confident, when really I was so self concious that I would actually look at myself in the mirror and talk my self down.
I used to pretend I didn't care who's feelings I hurt, when really after I had hurt someone I would go home and cry about how awful of a person I was.
I used to tell my older sister that I never ever wanted to be like her, when really all I wanted was to be as beautiful and kind as she was and is.
I used to tell my father that he was the worst, when really I thought the complete opposite.

Every single one of has has pretended to be something that we are not. But, why do we do it?
Is it because we are worried that our peers won't accept us for who we really are?
Or is it because we are afraid to be judged, and afraid to hear the truth about who we are.

Who we really are is trapped inside of our heads, our thoughts. People know you from what you have let them know, and we usually don't let them know a lot. Not many of us allow our inner most thoughts to be spilled out to the world. We keep them hidden to hide ourselves. We hide ourselves out of fear. Fear of what others think, and fear of how others will take it.
That is why I hid myself.
I didn't want people to know I was self concious.
I didn't people to know that I cared.
Why? Because I didn't know how they would take it. It is in our human nature to fear the unknown.

Now my question is for you guys is why do you hide yourself?
I know you do, or did.. because all of us have.
But, why?
And that is my question.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Be yourself.

I want to show you my heart,
and I want to show you my soul.

If you could show people exactly who you are, would you?

Every single person on this planet has felt misunderstood. We all have felt as if people don't see us for who we really are. Maybe your actions are tainted but your thoughts are pure, and you are dying to show people how good of a person you can be.
Now, I know you have had one of those days where you just wish with all of your heart that someone could peer into your soul and see the real you.

What if you had that chance?

I want you to imagine a book. A very, very large book. This book does not contain a story, but it contains your entire life. In this book, you will find every single thought you have ever had. It contains all of your good experiences, and all of your bad ones.This book holds all of your secrets, and all of your memories. This book is your life. This book is you. It is your entire being. Every single detail about you, is in this book. Now, if you could share this book with someone.. would you?
Would you be willing to let them judge your soul?
Your very being?
What if every single person on this earth read your book. Hah, that is a scary thought. Could you imagine 670 billion people not only knowing your name, but knowing every little detail about you? That would be kind of scary.

I know for a fact that you have had one of those days, where you wish that people could just know. We all have. I had one of those days just the other day. I was crying in my bedroom, and I just wished that people could just.. feel it too. I just wished that people could see me for who I actually am. I wanted people to see my saddness, and just... understand it. I'm not sure if that explains the feeling well enough, but it's the best I can do.

Anyway, the question is... would you be willing to let someone judge your very soul?
I think I would.
I am tired of people seeing me as something that I am not.
I know you are too.
So people, lets break out of our shells!
Start to base your actions on your thoughts.
Don't try to be something you are not, because you think it will impress people.
This year, I am going to be myself.
Are you?

Who Are You?

I want to change the world.

Will I?

Probably not.

Everyone wants to change the world. Not everyone can though. I have potential, I know for a fact that I do. I don't care whether you agree or disagree. You don't know me, you never will know me. Not all of me anyways. No one will ever know everything about me, it's impossible to know everything about anyone. You could pour your whole heart out to someone, but they still will not understand exactly who you are.

You know what saying I hate? "I know you better than you know yourself."No actually, you don't. I know me better then anyone else does. You only know what I have let you know. Everything I am is locked inside my head, my thoughts. You have never been there, and most likely never will.

My friends, my family, they all know a LOT about me. Its just, not everything. It's impossible to know everything about someone. That is my point, so take it or leave it.

Who are you?
Do you know?"
The hardest thing to imagine is yourself."
So imagine yourself.
Take a good look in the mirror and ask, "Who am I?"
Think about it.
Do you actually know?
You have to look a little deeper.
Look beyond your appearence, beyond everything you want to be.
Look into your thoughts, your mind, your mistakes, your actions.
Do you know who you are?
Once you answer that question, answer this.
Do you like who you are?
Maybe you do.
Maybe you are perfectly content with your thoughts and actions,
and all of what you have done with your life.
Maybe you don't though.
Maybe, when you look deep inside yourself, you'll find that who you are right now
is not who you wanted or planned to be.
If this has happened, and you don't like who you are.. then answer this.
What are you going to do?

I want to change the world.

Will I?

Probably not.